
Sparx Skate Sharpeners

Covered by one or more of the following U.S patents:  12214467, 12186854, 11969851, 11919119, 10300574, 10065282, 9573236, 9566682, 9475175, 9352444, 9352437, 9242330, 9114498, D793830.

international equivalents, or one or more of the patents referenced at Other patents pending.

Grinding Rings

Sparx Radius Ring, FIRE Ring

Covered by one or more of the following U.S patents: 9902035, 9669508, international equivalents, or one or more of the patents referenced at Other patents pending.


Sparx Edge Checker

Covered by one or more of the following U.S patents: 9897430, international equivalents, or one or more of the patents referenced at Other patents pending.

Sparx Optical Alignment Tool

Covered by one or more of the following U.S patents: 10065282, international equivalents, or one or more of the patents referenced at Other patents pending.

Sparx Blade Holder

Covered by one or more of the following U.S patents: 10335925, international equivalents, or one or more of the patents referenced at Other patents pending.