Household Information
Where are you located?
How far away is your preferred sharpener?
How long does it take to travel to your preferred sharpener?
What is the average waiting time for sharpening at your shop?
Please include total wait and processing time for all skates you typically bring to get sharpened.
How much do you pay for sharpening?
How many skaters are in the household?
If you have over 5 skaters, we think it's safe to assume you won't be needing this calculator.
What is the percentage of time you sharpen your skates at the rink when you're already there for a game/practice?
Here, we're trying to find out how often you have your skates sharpened when you're already at the rink.
How many years left playing hockey/skating?
Please enter a number between 1 and 10. For the most accurate results, enter the number of years left for your youngest skater. If the number is over 10, it's safe to assume Sparx is the right decision for you.